Sunday, August 11, 2013

Things That Fire Up My Panties

If These Heels Could Talk they would say, "some things are just not called for and can down right peeve and annoy the living day lights out of me."

I know I got you all excited by the title of this post, sorry for all you pervs out there this isn't a post about what gets me "fired" up.  What gets me "fired" is not of importance nor any one's business at this moment. 

What I am talking about is those things that down right annoy me, get under my skin, gets me hot under the collar, gets my panties in a wad, peeves the pee out of me, gets on my last nerve.... well you get the picture........ 

So as I am folding the mountain of clothes that my 17 year old son assured me that he would handle, I got to thinking, this right here is something that really gets me fired up.  Then I started thinking about other things that I just have zero tolerance for and I thought I would share with the world.  Some things you may agree on and some things you might think, "what the hell."  I do not pretend to me sane.

These are in no particular order and they all pretty much have the same affect on me.

1. DISHES LEFT IN THE SINK.  Oh this really gets me hot under the collar, especially since this is the year 2013 and we have a dishwasher.  When I was a kid we lived a whole year with no running water and dishes were
never left in the sink.

2. CLOTHES ON THE FLOOR.  Just not acceptable and down right lazy if you ask me.  We own hangars, we have closets, we have dressers. Put the clothes away.  When I was a kid my brothers and I shared one dresser that had 4 drawers in it.  We had no clothes on the floor.

3. A NASTY BATHROOM.  I can't stand it. I find it repulsive.  I know we go in the bathroom and what we have to do there is downright nasty, but I at least want my throne to be clean if I am sitting on it. 

4.  TOOTHPASTE LEFT IN THE SINK.  This goes a long with #3. This will send me straight over the cliff. We still have that same running water that helps clean those dishes referenced in #1, wash all those little germs right on down the drain please.

5.  CABINET DOORS LEFT OPEN.  Really not that hard to close them people. Open, Close, Open, Close.

6.  AN UNMADE BED.  I can not leave my house with my bed not made.  I don't care if I running so far behind and I couldn't catch up if you fast forwarded me into time.  I can't do it. There is not a ounce of energy in my body that will allow this to happen. If I die I don't want anyone to come in my house and accuse me of being a nasty white woman.  They can call me a crazy white woman all day long. Just don't call me a crazy nasty white woman.

7. DUST.  I hate dust and I can't stand if I am sitting and I can see dust on my floor or coffee table, etc..... I will immediately switch from relax mode to military drill sergeant inspecting with the white glove. 

8. TOWELS AND LINENS NOT FOLDED PROPERLY.  How hard is it really to fold all things in a uniform pattern?  How hard is it really that after you fold them properly to put them in the proper resting place.?  Towels with towels, rags with rags, hand towels with hand towels.  Really a simple process.

9. NOT PUTTING THINGS WHERE THEY BELONG.  This applies to the refrigerator, the pantry, shoes, hats, book bags.  The ketchup does not go on the same shelf as the milk.  The bread does not go beside the baked beans.  Your shoes do not go in my shoe closet. Hats belong on the hat rack not my counter.  Book bags do not belong right in front of the door so that I can trip over them when I come home from a 12 hour work day.

10. ASKING ME WHY I HAVE TO YELL WHEN GIVING INSTRUCTIONS.  Well you see I never start off yelling.  I usually start off with, " hey sweetie bring your clothes down and I will wash them."  Then I go to, "hey did you hear what I said, I said to bring your clothes down and I will wash them."  Then it finally escalades into something you see out of a Samuel L. Jackson movie or the Exorcist.  Because once it gets to this point I am yelling, "bring me the damn clothes down here before I rip every one of them to shreds and you will be going to school in nothing but your birthday suit."  (that is really the edited version of the situation)

I realize that in the grand scheme of life what I have referenced is probably not all that important to some and they function perfectly fine with none of these things ever affecting them.  I can only wish for such a day to arrive in my brain. 

Now to hop off of this and go fold the towels the right way. 

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