Monday, July 1, 2013

What Lies Beneath

If These Heels Could Talk on this day they would say that, "the power of persuasion can go a long way, even when you don't realize you are persuading anyone."

As most people know, you will not catch me wearing any form of foot attire other than heels.  There are moments when I have to break out of my shell but those moments are way far and few in between.  I love my heels, I feel tall and sexy in my heels.  Therefore that is what I choose each and every day to wear. And no, I am not uncomfortable and I have not broken a neck or leg wearing them as of yet.

What other ladies decide to wear on their feet is between them and their feet.  And yes I will make a statement as to the fact that MOST flats are hideous and should not adorn a woman's foot, however that is my factual opinion and is 99% based on what I am comfortable wearing. 

I did not realize that my factual opinion actually affected what others would decide to wear, until recently.

A co worker of mine came to work one day wearing and awesome pair of heels.  She said to me, "Angie thanks to you every time I try to pick out a pair of shoes I think about you and now it is hard for me to decide to wear the flats."  I wonder, "what would Angie wear."

I actually chuckled at this notion, because again, what I wear and feel comfortable in may not be what someone else is comfortable wearing. However, I could see a little pep in her step.  I think she felt for a minute what I felt, sexy.....

Fast forward to a few weeks later and we are discussing ladies under garments.  We got on the subject by way of talking about how we really didn't like it when you could see the pantie line.  We went as far as saying if you are going to wear something skin tight you might want to stick to going commando. 

In true Angie fashion, I held nothing back and explained that there are only certain under garments that I chose to wear, and I like for them to match.  And I like for them to match for no other reason other than I feel sexy when they do. O.k. and if I happen to be in a wreck and the EMTs must evaluate the situation, I really don't want to look ratchet.  There I said it. 

 What is beneath the clothing feels just as good as the clothing itself. Sometimes it will feel even better.  And it has nothing to do with who or who is not going to see them.  It is all about how it makes the woman that is wearing them feel. 

Now again, my decision to wear pretty undergarments and the fact that I think all women should is my factual opinion and is again based on what is right for me.  However, once again I find that my statement has affected a few around me. 

Today I was told, "now I think I need to go pantie shopping for some new sexy matching panties, especially after the conversation we had." Keep in mind this was her anniversary weekend. I am sure that had nothing to do with all this change in heart.

Over the years I have come to realize that What Lies Beneath is just as important as What Lies on the Outside.  You can be so put together, makeup done, hair to a tee, smile on and the world can think that you are all together but if under all that you are torn, weathered, beat down, burdened, heart broken, angry, bitter, etc... it really does not matter what is on the outside.  Not even the best pair of Heels is going to make you feel better.

And that is one reason it is so important to work on what is beneath before working on what is outside. 

I say that  today all women should choose  to put on their  prettiest panties and bra and celebrate being a beautiful woman.  Do not let the worries of this world break your spirit.  Do not let the opinion of anyone else decide what the opinion of yourself may be, because at the end of the day, you have to look in that mirror.

Think beautiful, feel beautiful, become beautiful and live beautiful.  Being a woman is special. We get to experience things that a man could never fathom. We should embrace that, not get mad at that.  And as always in true Angie fashion, wear your best heels.

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