Saturday, July 6, 2013

Last Dance With Mary Jane

If These Heels Could Talk they would say, "my kids know a little bit about Momma before she became Momma."

 I am pretty open with my kids about MOST things.  Notice I said MOST things, some things are still none of their business and they will never know about them.  Just as I am sure there are things that they will do in their life that I will never know.

The things that I am open with them about in regards to the good and bad decisions in my life are for no other reason than to hopefully educate them on making better decisions. 

Today I was taking one of my kids to a friend's house and I had another one in tow and we took a familiar road to get to this friend's house.  As we traveled this road I was taken back some many years, hmmmm o.k. about 22 years.  Down this road is a grave yard and that grave yard reminded me of a meeting that I had. 

It was the first time that me and good ole "Mary Jane" met.  "Mary Jane" was introduced to me by way of some of my older brother's friends. Now do not be alarmed, he was only 1 1/2 years  older than I so they too were 1 1/2 years older.

I remember it like it was yesterday.  I remember them asking if I would be interested in meeting "Mary Jane" and I thought, hey why not, she seems friendly. And when she is around everyone seems to chill the hell out and enjoy some good ole eats.    So since not everyone wanted to meet "Mary Jane" we strolled across the street to the cemetery. 

Absolutely by far not one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. As a matter of a fact it probably runs up there with some of the dumbest decisions, but none the less, I made it anyway.

Everything seemed to be going well until one of the individuals girlfriend arrived to the party and stuck her head through the sunroof of the meeting place.  I was not scared of her at all because "Mary Jane" had really put me at ease about all things at that particular moment.  "Mary Jane" was nice, really nice. 

Thank goodness that the girlfriend wasn't mad at me, I think she knew that my interest was only with "Mary Jane" and not the people that had introduced me to her. We were all just friends anyway. 

I told my kids that I met "Mary Jane" and I never told them that I didn't like her, because truthfully "Mary Jane" wasn't always all that bad, but I did tell them that there came a time in my life that I realized "Mary Jane" didn't have my best interest at heart and therefore there was no use for her to be in my life.  And just to put any concerned individuals at ease "Mary Jane" and I only encountered each other on certain occasions and I never really missed her when she was away.  I just liked for her to come to the parties some times.

I am not sure if my confessions surprise my kids or repulse them, and quiet frankly I really do not care.  I just hope that they make better decisions if anyone ever wants to introduce them to "Mary Jane."

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