Monday, October 7, 2013

Concert Attendance Can Teach You A Thing Or Two

If These Heels Could Talk they would say, "I never let a day go by without learning something new.  A trip to a concert was no different." 

This past weekend me and some of my  friends headed a little south to take in some tunes at a concert of one of our favorite, fine as wine, country singers, Mr. Luke Bryan himself.  All but one of them had ever had the pleasure of partaking in adult shenanigans with me and I was not about to disappoint her. 

First of all, in true Angie fashion I wheeled it up in my girl's driveway at fifteen minutes past the time I was due to arrive.  Hey it wasn't my fault the lady at the nail salon had a malfunctioning swipper machine and I had to drive to the bank, get money out and take it back to her... just saying.... 

So I scramble out of my car, grabbed my necessary adult beverage, my purse with everything but the kitchen sink in it and head to get in my friends vehicle.  All eight of us packed it in like a can of sardines and set off to make a few memories.

Within ten minutes of the trip I am politely asked, "Hey Angie do you have any more stories about Cooters Catching on Fire?" In which I respond, "no however when I do you will be the first to hear it."  Of course those that had not heard the story had to be filled in quickly.  p.s. if you wish to know that story read about it in my blog....... it is a knee slapper.

So we continue on our merry way, and within twenty minutes, as I am telling a story I drop the F bomb and my girlfriend politely nudges me in the arm. This was just her way of reminding me of my ability to use this F bomb more often than I probably should.  I think we even said something about getting me a shock collar or something.  Well the young lady and a new found  that had never been around me said, "and here I was worried about my foul language skills, I don't feel so bad about myself."  It is always a good day when I can make someone else feel good about themselves.

After a stop at the gas station for a top of  fuel and my adult beverage and a stop or two for me to pose with a pallet and a truck since apparently I could not find any other photo props, we arrive at our destination.

The place was not short of teenagers and young twenty some things.....All dressed in their concert attire, drinking their beer, wearing their boots, smoking their cigs.  The guys trying to impress the ladies and the ladies sticking their nose in the air. 

I like to watch these creatures in action and I will say that they did not disappoint me at  and taught me a few things.


  • A lot of young people and I refer to anyone that is younger than myself, have no sense of humor. I find someone with no sense of humor repulsive.

  • A lot of young people have no sense of direction.  When I ask, "hey do you know where I can find a good corn hole game?"  then by George I want to know.  There was only 1000 games of corn hole being played at one time.  Point me in the general direction.  They just looked at me like a deer in the head lights.  Clueless I tell ya.  

  • Some young men can be quiet handsy.  If I have to say to you, "touch me one more time and I am going to punch you, and don't cry like a bitch when I do", then you best not try to pinch my ass.  Just saying.

  • Most of these same young people do not know how to seize the opportunity.  Yes security was around but there was also a stage there calling my name saying, "jump up here Angie, you apparently don't have enough excitement in your life."  So that is what I did and I have the picture to prove it. See it is right there. ------------->>>>>

  • Some young people have no manners.  If you want to be by the stage then show up early with the rest of us. But do not expect to show up late then push your way to the front with out even saying excuse me.  If they would have at least said, "excuse me" I would have let them by.  Manners go a long way people. 

  • And finally something I already know but reaffirmed it at this concert, heels, holes and gravel don't mix.  That deadly combination will twist an ankle in a heart beat.
This concert trip had it all.   I laughed and I sang and I laughed and sang some more.  I spoke to complete strangers as if I had known them all my life.  And yes I wore the heels.

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