Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Heels and a Beer

If These Heels Could Talk they would say, "walk a mile in my heels then you you can judge if the direction I'm headed is right." 

I haven't written anything in almost a week. I have missed writing and I have missed seeing the amount of people that read my posts. I especially like seeing the different countries that visit my site. 

I've never thought of myself as a writer and I suppose I really don't now. I have just had friends to encourage me to write. Especially when I tell them some off the wall story that most would only think was make believe. Nope my imagination isn't that good. 

Sometimes I wish my stories were make believe. But they are real.  They are genuine. I wish they were all funny. But they aren't. I like to laugh. It's one of my favorite things in the world. I also like to make people laugh too. I believe I feel better doing that then when I'm on the receiving end. Laughter really is the best medicine. 

Recently I got to meet up with some of my best lady friends. I had worked all day long and had originally planned on meeting them but didn't figure I could after getting off so late. 

Since I had to go that direction anyway I thought I would check on them. I wanted to make sure they weren't having too much fun without me. 

To my surprise they were sitting outside and as soon as they saw me they were excited. They genuinely wanted me there.  Of course that made me feel good. 

There were a few ladies there that I know however I had never just hung out with them. Of course I as usual proceeded with breaking them in good ole Angie style. We had a blast. 

During our little gathering it saddened me when one of them said just don't tell anyone I was drinking a beer. 

What are we 12? Why would anyone care? Why would anyone oppose of an adult enjoying some laughs and a beer? 

People are so quick to judge others by the choices they make. And although I've never been one to concern myself of the opinions of others I realize there are some that do. And I understand that. 

We laughed, we drank a beer or two and someone may have told an "inappropriate" joke. No one was harmed and we all walked away feeling the love of each other. 

It was an awesome night. 

It is my wish for those people that find time in their day to judge others based on their weekend activities that they find them self something a little more exciting and fulfilling. 

You would be amazed at how your life could change just by focusing less on others and more on yourself. 

In the meantime I will continue to laugh, have a drink or two and possibly tell an inappropriate sarcastic joke. 

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