Friday, January 24, 2014

Girlfriends Are The Best

If These Heels Could Talk they would say, "Girlfriends are the freaking best thing since sliced bread."

As young girls we truly do NOT value the worth of a golden girl friend.   We let our insecurities, territorial behavior and jealously ruin perfect friendships.  We let the male species consume our thoughts and actions and change our opinions of some of those female species that would die for us. 

When I was in the Navy I had an AWESOME friend and her name was Rachel.  In good ole Angie fashion I ruined our friendship.  It was not by jealousy or insecurities rather it was by this survival mode I had placed my self in. 

We were room mates and we were inseparable.  On more than one occasion we were asked, "are you two  together?"  And of course that always came from a curious male that always followed the question up with, "if you are I would love to watch."

Freaking perverts!!!! 

We weren't that kind of girlfriends, although there was this one time in Tijuana a guy was hitting on me and wouldn't stop so Rachel thought it would be the perfect time to tell him, "hey we are together" and then gave me a big kiss on the lips.   That really did not detour his efforts.  As a matter of a fact I think it made him more aggressive.

But that is what I am talking about.... the kind of friend that will do anything for you.  I screwed that friendship up.   She had orders to Japan and I was pregnant which meant I wasn't going anywhere. 

She was scheduled to leave in a few weeks and instead of doing the right thing and valuing every freaking minute I could with her, I separated myself.  I pretended as though we never were friends.   That is by far one of the biggest regrets of my life. I knew her leaving would hurt me, so I did the one thing I knew to do and that was to pretend that our friendship didn't exist.   To this day I wish I could talk to her. I have looked for her all over the Internet with no luck.  Her last name was Kelly so you can imagine the difficulties in searching for that name.  I would say she was Irish...... hahahaha  I loved that girl and still do......

Fast forward now and I am still blessed, but this time I am not screwing it up.  I have AWESOME girl friends.  They call me, the text me, and they  want to be in my presence.  They are all different and yet they value
all of my personalities.  They know when I am up and they know when I am down.  I will never ever put up a wall and shut them out.  I need them more than they will ever know. 

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