Sunday, August 18, 2013

I Don't Have a Butt Like J-Lo For a Reason


If These Heels Could Talk they would say, "ladies please stop lying to yourselves and trying to take short cuts to looking and feeling better." 

As I was checking my daily news via Facebook,  (by the way can someone please start posting the weather that would really help me out)  I scrolled across yet another post on dieting or how to make yourself look skinny. This particular post was about drinking something that will help your belly be flatter. 

Now I didn't even waste two seconds reading this material because quite frankly I was trying to catch up on the latest scandals, outburst, vents, rants, promotions, confessions, obsessions, and bragging of all my Facebook Friends.  I must say that on most days I am very blessed and realize I am not as crazy as some of them. Just saying.

Anyway, after seeing the title to that post about dieting and making your belly flatter I started thinking about how ridiculous  women can be when it comes to wanting to look skinnier, myself included.    Notice I chose skinnier and not better.  Skinnier does not always mean that you look better and skinnier does not always mean that you are  healthy. 

Nothing great in this lifetime will come to those that think taking a short cut to achieve your goals will work.  Let me give you some things to ponder and I will use myself as an example.  And this is all in relation to what we think we want versus what we are willing to do to get what we want. Of course in this post in means a perfect body.

I think that the female body is a beautiful thing. And I say this without questioning my sexuality at all. I still don't bat for the home team.  I just think all in all women are beautiful.  There are some women that you look at and you think, "dang I would love
to have her legs, or her abs, or her butt, or her arms."  But in order to even begin to have what they have we have to do something we haven't done.  And that is work for it.  Here are some of my, "dang I wish I had that." I will start from the bottom and work my way up.

1. Carrie Underwood's Legs: Good Lawd she has the sexiest legs and if I believed in reincarnation I would love to come back as her legs when I die.  They are perfect.  I don't have legs even remotely close to looking like these because I do not put forth the effort in getting them to look this awesome.  Here is what she does:

Front Lunges with a Torso Twist- Holding a medicine ball step forward into a front lunge. While in a lunge position, hold the medicine ball out in front of the body and twist sideways, keeping the medicine steady. Twist back to the front and stand, bringing the feet together and lowering the medicine ball. Note: Twist in the direction of the lunge. (If you lunge with your right leg, twist towards the right.) This move works your core, shoulders, and legs.
Jump Squats: One of the best ways to “force your body to change” is to add plyometric or dynamic moves into your routine. Squat (as if you are going to sit into a chair while keeping your torso straight), from the squat position, JUMP into the air as high as you can, landing back into the squat position. Repeat for 20-25 reps. Great for the glutes, hamstrings, and it also gets your heart rate up.


2. Jennifer Lopez's Butt: We all know this famous rear.  And while I have a rather round rear of my own it looks nothing like this fine piece of art.  I don't have that ass or as some may reference DAT ASS because I again do not put the effort in getting it to look this grand.  Not to surprise you but Jennifer Lopez also uses squats and lunges to workout that rear. 

Follow this link and it shares her entire workout plan:

Now I also believe that the key to a great looking rear when you have a larger than most other rear, is to pick the right articles of clothing.  You can't hide it so you might as well embrace it's beauty and enjoy the curves you have been gifted with.  Just do us all a favor and let it hang out.

 3. Someone With AWESOME abs:  As I was surfing the Internet and looking through pictures for awesome abs, I originally looked for some celebrity pictures.  After not really finding what I was looking for I ran across this picture.  Now this lady has some nice abs.  If I were to have some nice abs this is how I would like them to look.  I don't have abs like that because again, I don't do what is required to get those results.  And yes I have had three children and no I do not believe that is reason they do not look like this.  Again I don't put in the effort.

Since I have no clue  who this person is I can't google her ab workout.  But I did some research on other  ab workouts. And I came across this one:

I was going to continue up the body to the arms, but decided to just stop right here.  I think this gives us enough to go on for now.  I do realize that there are certain medical conditions that cause a person to gain weight and makes it harder to lose the weight.  This is not about people being overweight anyway.  It is about doing what needs to be done to get the results you want.

When I look at all three of these women I am not jealous of what they have that I don't. And I don't hate the way I look.  I actually feel pretty confident about my appearance.  I do however know that I could always improve to look better and feel better not for anyone else but for myself. 

At the end of the day we have to decide if we want to do the work to get the reward.  And that is the bottom line.   Just to add a little humor to this post I researched some of the most ridiculous diets that have ever existed.  Number one is actually my favorite.  The the sad part is people actually believed them.


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