Thursday, September 26, 2013

Conversation Detour Is Not Always A Bad Thing

If These Heels Could Talk they would say, "never compromise who you are for what anyone else wants you to be."  


I looked and saw that it has been 16 days since I last posted anything.  I guess I just haven't had anything come to mind that I wanted to share with the world.  Well maybe not the world, maybe just a few faithful followers. On second thought they are my world so it all works out.

Why today? What do I all of a sudden feel like I need to share with the world, my world?

Simple but often forgotten. 

The minute you begin to compromise who you are for what someone else wants you to be,  you immediately  start losing a part of your identity and what you were truly put on this Earth to become.

Couple of rules:

1. Rudeness is not acceptable

2. Dishonesty is not acceptable

3. Laziness is not acceptable.

So if these attributes are a part of your core, then I would suggest a little self-evaluation and a plan to change them in order to get yourself on track. And I am speaking to myself as well.

A Few more rules:

1. Politeness is always the best route

2. Be trustworthy and the friend a friend would like to have

3. Work hard, be productive, keep moving and stay focused

I was recently told by an individual that I have an energetic personality.  She proceeded to say that I had the IT factor. She said, "you know what it means when people say she has IT." She also told me in this same conversation that people are either going to gravitate toward my energy and love it or people are going to gravitate toward my energy, like what they see and become less confident with themselves and do their best to bring me down.

What she told me was unsolicited.  I hadn't asked her what her opinion about me and my personality was at all. I hadn't asked about how I looked or felt.    We were actually speaking about business matters when this topic came to surface. 

After the conversation I thought about why on Earth would she feel the need to tell me these things. 

Then it hit me........

I do love life. I love to laugh. I love to sing. I love to dance (although I am not great at it).  I love to work. I love my family. I love my friends. I love people.  I love high heel shoes.   

All of these things that I love bring me so much joy but at the same time have brought me sadness.  I don't like to disappoint people at all and I have realized after 38 years that I will never be able to please everyone. 

My goal is not to please everyone. My goal is to be who I am and be good to those that are in my life.  And at moments I have tried to change who I truly was in order to prove my goodness to these people because that is what they wanted.  In the end, I lost a little bit of me.  The goodness was there all along and it just would have been greater coming from the real me. 

I think my friend must have seen the twinkle in my eye start to fade and maybe felt the need to remind me that the person I am is who I am supposed to be.  That doesn't mean that I think I am perfect with no room for change for the better.

I know that I have room for improvement.  I am impatient, moody at times, and a little bit hard-headed.  But I am also accepting, spontaneous, understanding, and willing to listen when the time arises.  If I call you friend then I damn well mean it. I will not go down without a fight and I fight for those and what I believe in.  And yes I am energetic on most occasions.  I can't help it, I am a passionate person. 

I am grateful for that conversation that took a detour from business to inspiration.  It was just another way of reminding me to not compromise who I am in order to be what someone else wants me to be.

So I will continue on this journey of life with it's little road bumps but I will be wearing high heels and laughing the whole way. 

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